Computing for the Family

This is me working on the website !
Zdnet are offering a series of screensavers in their software library. A menu page describes the screensavers on offer and the number of people who have downloaded the free software.
I chose a pretty impressive space shuttle program which depicts some twenty odd photographic images of the space shuttle at launch, landing and of course in space

The screensavers are at

The excellent space shuttle screen saver has been produced by the Norwegian software company No nonsense

Space shuttle
E - sheep I found a "cheerful" piece of software called "esheep". No it is not software, it is a pet for your desktop which will keep you company !!. 

The new Esheep page is now located at:

Further information on site

Esheep 2 Homepage CEO likes to hear what you think of his ESheep so do drop him an e-mail.


Thanks to all the suppliers of software featured on this page.

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