Christian View

Football or faith ?

The new football (soccer) season is upon us and supporters up and down the land are expressing their commitment in extravagent terms: "We'll support you evermore..."
What does this support amount to, and how does it compare with the commitment of the average Christian for his church.
The following table may give food for thought.
Expensive and often a long way from the ground. Never complains

Expects it to be free and right next to the church.
Small, narrow, uncomfortable seats, often with no choice.

Hates hard pews. Expects to sit in the same place every week.
An hour and three quarters with an interval. Extra time a bonus
One hour! Complains if it goes over.
Any weather - including rain, hail, sleet or snow.

Any hint of bad weather, a good excuse for not attending
Sits outside in the cold, even in winter.

Complains if heating is not on.
£10-£20, plus £2 for a programme.
Objects to any mention of money. Appeals for extra funds often greeted with hostility
Noisy, lively, jostling and loud cheering.
A sedate silence is preferred. Complains if too much noise.
Loud, regardless of ability. means every word, even in abusive of opposition.
Sings at same volume as (or quieter than) neighbour. Often does not read or mean words.
Will travel the length of the country or even abroad to follow team.

Avoids having to travel, even to joint services in the area.
Talks incessantly about team, relives action, expresses real faith in team, wears colours to show allegiance.
Keeps quiet. often not admitting to Christian faith for fear of others' comments.

This article appeared first in the Oldham Chronicle, Union Street, Oldham, Lancashire, United Kingdom,  thanks to the publishers

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