The Lamb

Think about what you will be reading,
think it may be the answer?

Mary had a little lamb,
His fleece was white as snow.
And everywhere that Mary went,
The Lamb was sure to go.
He followed her to school each day,
T'wasn't even in the rule.
It made the children laugh and play,
To have a Lamb at school.
And then the rules all changed one day,
Illegal it became;
To bring the Lamb of God to school,
Or even speak His Name.

Every day got worse and worse,
And days turned into years.
Instead of hearing children laugh,
We heard gun shots and tears.
What must we do to stop the crime,
That's in our schools today?
Let's let the Lamb come back to school,
And teach our kids to pray!

If you agree, please pass it on.

Michigan Coalition for Responsible Gun Owners,
P.O. Box 14014, Lansing, MI 48901.

Originally from D.Hughes
Submitted by Susan Bolt, South Carolina, USA

Comment by Susan Bolt

We in no way endorse nor refute MCRGO.


As webmaster I would similarly like to take a neutral stance over the gun-control debate.

Michael (UK)

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